My work expresses my love for colors of nature and the different harmonies we find in nature.
From my early childhood I have been in contact with art, museums, books, and so on. I started drawing and painting with pastels, much like impressionists, especially Degas. My main inspiration in nature and its colors, my driving force, I would say like Rilke, is a need to express myself, to enjoy colors, it is a passion for me. I have learned to respect my creative process where sometimes I do not feel inspired to paint and I just draw or do some collage until I feel ready to begin again. Mainly I do abstract painting where color is the main subject, sometimes I use very bright colors and then I need to use more quiet colors. Inspired in flowers, skies or the ocean, my paintings have an aereal athmosphere. The series I am working on now is called "Reflections" Mostly dyptics where one has architectural references and the other flower references, joined by the same color scheme. I also work on collage, which I enjoy very much the fact that I find special relations between the elements forming a more surreal composition. Same as in drawings. When I draw i let the ideas go out without any purpose or control, then I decide which could be a painting. . My thought process happens while working, I start each work without any intention, in fact sometimes I start several works at the same time, choosing the colors I want to use in each ocassion. At a set point I decide, or the picture decides, how to continue, where to add an element or withdraw another element. At that point the work has a way. Thus I paint several works and later on I decide the name, the series to which it belongs, the concept that is behind.