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Cecilia Arrospide

Miraflores District, Peru

"My work expresses my love for colors of nature and the different harmonies we find in nature."
From my early childhood I have been in contact with art, museums, books, and so on. I started drawing and painting with pastels, much like impressionists, especially Degas. My main inspiration in nature and its colors, my driving force, I would say like Rilke, is a need to express myself, to enjoy colors, it is a passion for me. I have learned to respect my creative process where sometimes I do not feel inspired to paint and I just draw or do some collage until I feel ready to begin again. Mainly I do abstract painting where color is the main subject, sometimes I use very bright colors and then I need to use more quiet colors. Inspired in flowers, skies or the ocean, my paintings have an aereal athmosphere. The series I am working on now is called "Reflections" Mostly dyptics where one has architectural references and the other flower references, joined by the same color scheme. I also work on collage, which I enjoy very much the fact that I find special relations between the elements forming a more surreal composition. Same as in drawings. When I draw i let the ideas go out without any purpose or control, then I decide which could be a painting. . My thought process happens while working, I start each work without any intention, in fact sometimes I start several works at the same time, choosing the colors I want to use in each ocassion. At a set point I decide, or the picture decides, how to continue, where to add an element or withdraw another element. At that point the work has a way. Thus I paint several works and later on I decide the name, the series to which it belongs, the concept that is behind.



Wescover creator since 2018
Projects Portfolio
Residential Project
Lima, Peru
Residential Project
Lima, Peru
Residential Project
Lima, Peru
Residential Project
Lima, Peru

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