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Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
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Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic
Transition Day | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by vibhakapur_art. Item composed of canvas & synthetic

Created and Sold by vibhakapur_art


Transition Day - Paintings

Price $2,990 - Sale 8% off

Price $3,250 Original Retail

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Shipping rates finalized within 2 business days of checkout. You will be asked to approve cost before payment

47.24H x 39.37W x 1.57D in
120H x 100W x 4D cm
1 kg
2.2 lb

Acrylic Painting on Canvas
120*100*4 cm

Unframed canvas painting, ready to hang

Item Transition Day
Created by vibhakapur_art
As seen in Private Residence, Riverstone, Australia
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Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2021
There is no must in art because art is fee. by Wassily Kandinsky

Ever since I opened my eyes to this world, I have been on a flight. A flight, that has been enthralled by life experiences & in-search….of that, which is yet to reveal itself.

On this fascinating flight, I have always been particularly mesmerized by the wordless language of colors. I have always been intrigued as to how effortlessly colors communicate, that every language in existence falls significantly short off. Its needless to say, I feel blessed to have been immersed in the world of colors, free willed imagination & art.

For my graduation, I choose to pursue Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts & specialized in Fine Arts stream. As an artist I believe, this world exists in uniformity and in a very strange & an ironic way presents infinite, random, changeable faces of nature that surrounds us. My current work is inspired by this very aspect of our existence i.e. to take an in-depth dive exploring the changeless that has infinite faces.

In the moment & intuitive brush strokes, chaotic, bold, free-willed, expression of imagination are few words that come to mind representing my work style. I experiment with various mediums and techniques. I create my best work when I am fully engrossed, covered fully in paint with my dancing shoes on!!

..….I desperately dream of the day of my finest creation, the very best I could paint. But again in a very strange & an ironic way, desperately wish that day never arrives……

…. The Journey Continues….