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"Three Sisters" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Taya Naumovich. Item composed of canvas
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Image credit: Pam Regan, (1st photo)
"Three Sisters" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Taya Naumovich. Item composed of canvas
"Three Sisters" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Taya Naumovich. Item composed of canvas

Created and Sold by Taya Naumovich

Taya Naumovich

"Three Sisters" - Paintings

$ On Inquiry


Made In USA

Natural Materials

Stunning shot of "Three Sisters" painting by artist Taya Naumovich in this beautiful home in New York.

Item "Three Sisters"
Created by Taya Naumovich
As seen in Private Residence, New York, NY
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Taya Naumovich
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
Beautiful Round Creatures in Whimsical Surroundings

Taya Naumovich’ work invites you into atmospheric, transparent space where celestial movements of her often angel-like faces meldivian creatures calling you to tap into unknown space that she also drew upon symbolic connection between intuitive knowledge of the world around her and subconscious universal truth that dance along Music of Spheres, that also mark the boundary between natural and supernatural words.