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Sunset Horizon | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tom Boatright. Item composed of synthetic
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Sunset Horizon | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tom Boatright. Item composed of synthetic
Sunset Horizon | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tom Boatright. Item composed of synthetic
Sunset Horizon | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tom Boatright. Item composed of synthetic
Sunset Horizon | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Tom Boatright. Item composed of synthetic

Created and Sold by Tom Boatright

Tom Boatright

Sunset Horizon - Paintings

$ On Inquiry

Creation: 6-12 weeks

This 60" x 72" abstract is created with vibrant artisan oils and accent of metallics.

Item Sunset Horizon
Created by Tom Boatright
As seen in Private Residence, La Quinta, CA
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Tom Boatright
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2022
I paint the spectrum of light, the energy of love. I paint to convey the beauty of Creation. Tom Boatright, Visionary Artist

Tom began painting through a series of visionary experiences in which he received a flood of light - the essence of love. He paints to convey this energy, the beauty of humanity and nature. His large-scale abstract impressionism is meant to provoke and engage on a deep subconscious level. His paintings are emotive.

​Tom's subject matter is the natural world and humanity. Tom paints en plein air outside his studio at the ponds of his beautiful nature preserve. Created in a flow state of fluid consciousness, Tom's paintings are aesthetically beautiful but the power is in the light they imbue which is contained within his paints. His paintings are luminous.

Tom uses his background in technology to create paints for each series. He adds metals and luminescence to raw oils and resins to produce an alchemical phenomenon. Tom creates vivid colors, organic textures, luxurious metals, and light refraction. He is inspired by the natural world and humanity.

Tom's emergent method and diverse technique have received national recognition. His paintings are sought after by private collectors around the world and grace hundreds of homes and commercial spaces. Tom is the featured artist in Essence Arts Premier Magazine. He exhibits his work in their La Quinta Gallery.

As a collector, I appreciate Tom's art and the investment. We commissioned a series for the hotel and our home. Bruce Schultz, Art Buyer for Ritz-Carlton, Chicago