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Storming the Depths | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by John Ives. Item composed of canvas and synthetic
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Created and Sold by John Ives

John Ives

Storming the Depths - Paintings

Featured In Brighton, United Kingdom

Price $3,600

Oil on canvas 60"/48"

Item Storming the Depths
Created by John Ives
As seen in Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
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John Ives
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
John Ives is a painter of works on canvas and murals.
His paintings range from surreal street and ocean scapes to expressive scenes of humanity, nature, the universe and beyond...
John is based in the UK and has exhibited his work in Brighton, London and Vancouver.
He has found his travels to be a great influence on his work, gaining experience and inspiration from the places, people and creatures he has encountered.
John is very drawn to the ocean, His love for the sea and the life within it surface often in his work and he has painted several large whale murals in Brighton, to bring awareness to their cause and ocean conservation.