Created and Sold by Kate Joiner
"Sedona" Series - Paintings
Featured In Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA
Price from $150 to $290
Series of muse Sedona Legge. Actress, model and all around good humanitarian, Sedona shines in all that she does. the series of work is still done with an intuitive approach, as each piece is not planned but created, never knowing where it will end up. The colors and texture are part of the intrigue. As an artist, Kate Joiner works each piece individually and uses her experiencing and whimsy to decide what to leave and what to cover on each painting.
These pieces are acrylic paint on panels to be mixed and matched and are also available as reproductions in variety of sizes.
These pieces are acrylic paint on panels to be mixed and matched and are also available as reproductions in variety of sizes.
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