Created and Sold by Dario Tazzioli
Pietà in Abbey of Frassinoro - Public Sculptures
Featured In Frassinoro, Italy
$ On Inquiry
The full relief sculpture “Pietà” is a commission from the City Hall of Frassinoro, province of Modena on the Appennines mountains in the North of Italy. It is installed outside in front of the medieval church of the village.
The name Frassinoro means “Golden Ash” and during the Middle Age, there was an important Benedictine abbey, decorated with beautiful marbles and stones. The abbey, unfortunately, was destroyed, but some of it still last today: the traditional Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), performed every three years on Good Friday (
This Via Crucis is kind of unique because there are 15 still life “stations” around the village where people from Frassinoro play motionless the characters of the Passion. They stay still for over one hour each station in front of many visitors from all Italy and Europe.
The name Frassinoro means “Golden Ash” and during the Middle Age, there was an important Benedictine abbey, decorated with beautiful marbles and stones. The abbey, unfortunately, was destroyed, but some of it still last today: the traditional Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), performed every three years on Good Friday (
This Via Crucis is kind of unique because there are 15 still life “stations” around the village where people from Frassinoro play motionless the characters of the Passion. They stay still for over one hour each station in front of many visitors from all Italy and Europe.
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