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Painted Mannequin | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Vincent Fink | McLane Stadium in Waco. Item composed of synthetic
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Created and Sold by Vincent Fink

Vincent Fink

Painted Mannequin - Paintings

Featured In McLane Stadium, Waco, TX

$ On Inquiry

Vincent Fink's painted this Mannequin as part of The Sacred Feminine Tetralogy series for Illectric River Music and Arts Festival 2017 at touchdown Alley on the shores of McLane Stadium in Waco, TX.

Item Painted Mannequin
Created by Vincent Fink
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Vincent Fink
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
Creating Worlds

Vincent Fink’s work is surrealism in it’s purest form. His dark images with warped perspectives invite the viewer into a world that came from a lucid dream in which he observed the completed work. Pushing himself to recreate something that was beyond his imagination and skill in his waking life, Vincent has used this inspiration to develop the Metamorphosis Project, a concept that continues to spawn the hidden messages of his dreams.