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Oil Painting | Paintings by Kristi Head
Image credit: Alec Hemer

Created and Sold by Kristi Head

Kristi Head

Oil Painting



Woman Owned

Made In USA

Beautiful interior design by Timothy Godbold with one of Kristi Head's oil paintings in this elegant entryway. Image by Alec Hemer and styling by Michael Walters.

Item Oil Painting
Created by Kristi Head
As seen in Private Residence, Palm Beach, FL
Kristi Head
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
Inspired by nature and the elegance of design.

Kristi’s paintings are an endlessly curious exploration of new ways of presenting traditional and decorative motifs. She began her classical training in visual arts at the age of fifteen, graduated with a degree in painting and art history from Boston University, and later studied graphic and packaging design at Parsons School of Design. A native New Yorker, Kristi lives and works in Los Angeles.