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Monad | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Misty Hughes. Item composed of synthetic
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Created and Sold by Misty Hughes

Misty Hughes

Monad - Paintings

Price $1,200

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Estimated Arrival: TBD


Woman Owned

20x26 Original Art
Black acrylic paint. Signed on the back.
They will be mailed in a tube that is 24 inches long and 3 inches wide.

Item Monad
Created by Misty Hughes
As seen in Creator's Studio, Cleveland, OH
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Misty Hughes
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
Abstract Expressionist

Living as a creative being, I consider reality to be an endless opportunity for living life as art. I have always had abstract perspectives as a part of my character that naturally led to exploring abstraction in my work. As a lover of the emotive and wild nature of abstract expressionism, but also enjoying compelling design, it thrills me to bring these aspects together and strike a chord in fascinating ways to evoke and inspire.

My process involves an appreciation of art and I am drawn to a constant stream of images that infuse me. There are powerful feelings to tap into from collections of art and I use them as anchor points for my creative approach to new pieces. The way to the desired end results intuitively and vibrationally through curiosity, exploration and experimentation.

There is a "radical diversity” that I have embraced for my body of work that is a freedom to create in infinite styles and mediums. It makes my heart sing to have no boundaries, as the word “creation” encapsulates all! I adore the play of contrast and composition. I love line, texture and dynamic color choices.

As a deeply spiritual person, with a personal practice rooted in the intention to be a conduit of love, healing and joy through creative expression, it is always my goal to waken deep emotion or even qualities of transformation in others. Maybe there are keys given to artists that unlock mysteries and blessings for the viewer that can go beyond understanding. It delights me to think so. I make art that makes you feel like your most favorite song in the world came on the radio, like the gentle breeze sprung up and kissed your cheek, like you walked through a portal that felt like freedom, union and joy.