Created and Sold by CP Lighting
LiquorLamp - Pendants
Price from $800 to $1,200
Creation: 3-6 weeks
Reclaimed Materials
Recycled Materials
Made In USA
Made To Order
Another LiquorLamp installed. This one in a tiny bar room in Charlotte North Carolina.
Hand blown liquor bottle glass. Retains some of the original features of the bottle like bottle base becomes the top of the pendant and any embossed elements from the original bottle become distorted but still remain as a memory of it's previous life.
Hand blown liquor bottle glass. Retains some of the original features of the bottle like bottle base becomes the top of the pendant and any embossed elements from the original bottle become distorted but still remain as a memory of it's previous life.
Clients may choose the brand of bottle we use if desired. Silvering and antiqued interiors available
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