Created and Sold by Tyler Huntzinger Art
Gully - Paintings
Price $12,500
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Made In USA
Made To Order
Dimensions | Weight |
84H x 52W in 213.36H x 132.08W cm |
52 x 84, oil, acrylic and asphalt paint
“Gully” was inspired by the little fragments of the wild where I spent a lot of
my late adolescence in Virginia. These small areas are left by the
encroachment of suburban sprawl where everyone wants a house in the
woods, but they also want a lawn so little strips of woods are left between
each house and become byways for all kinds of wildlife.
“Gully” was inspired by the little fragments of the wild where I spent a lot of
my late adolescence in Virginia. These small areas are left by the
encroachment of suburban sprawl where everyone wants a house in the
woods, but they also want a lawn so little strips of woods are left between
each house and become byways for all kinds of wildlife.
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