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Floreana Sunset | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Kelly Hanna Studio. Item made of canvas with synthetic
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Floreana Sunset | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Kelly Hanna Studio. Item made of canvas with synthetic
Floreana Sunset | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Kelly Hanna Studio. Item made of canvas with synthetic
Floreana Sunset | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Kelly Hanna Studio. Item made of canvas with synthetic

Created and Sold by Kelly Hanna Studio

Kelly Hanna Studio

Floreana Sunset - Paintings

$ On Inquiry

Creation: 6-12 weeks


Woman Owned

Reclaimed Materials

Made In USA

Made To Order

Natural Materials

10 x 10 // Acrylic, Bird of Paradise flowers and palm fronds.

The inspiration for Floreana Sunset comes from an isolated island in the Galapagos. When I think of this kind of untouched paradise, I think of remote, uninhabited isles full of nature’s treasures, teeming with playful wildlife, and all of the solace and tranquility one’s soul can soak in.

This painting is sold. Please contact if you are interested in a commission. Fine art prints of "Floreana Sunset" also available.

Item Floreana Sunset
As seen in Creator's Studio, Los Angeles, CA
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Kelly Hanna Studio
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2021
Soulful art inspired by nature's gifts.

Kelly Hanna is a mixed-media artist based in Palm Springs, California. After nearly two decades of art direction and graphic design, she yearned for a new challenge, eventually finding it through creating multi-dimensional artworks using natural materials found in her own backyard.

Kelly has developed a signature style of painting that leaves the viewer mesmerized and curious. Using organic textures such as palm fronds, dried flowers, bark and seeds, her work feels alive. Kelly's fascination with the wonders of Mother Nature shows through in every painting she creates.

When she’s not obsessing over the latest find of fallen fronds, you’ll most likely find her watching hummingbirds dance around the desert sky.