Created and Sold by visceral home
empty houses (SOLD) - Paintings
Price $1,500
Creation: 2-6 weeks
Shipping: UPS 3-14 days
Estimated Arrival: January 16, 2025
professionally packaged shipped and insured.
Reclaimed Materials
Made In USA
Made To Order
Natural Materials
Locally Sourced
Dimensions | Weight |
24H x 30W x 2D in 60.96H x 76.2W x 5.08D cm | 6.8 kg 15 lb |
24 x 30 acrylic + oil on canvas.
what makes a house a home is the people in it. the love created/re-created there. the laughter inside it. the arguments that ultimately pull humans closer together as they navigate how to best communicate with each other.
I didn't have a home for a long time. I traveled state to state, looking for solace and "home" within myself and within other humans. houses always felt empty. I didn't have a safe home when I grew up, which flowed into my adult hood as it was hard for me to feel safe anywhere.
it felt like empty houses, and not homes. even though they weren't "empty". I have a home now, where love, laughter, safety, connection, and life is shared. when I stared at this painting for almost an hour when I completed it I saw the sad confused empty houses, many many empty houses, I've lived in.
what makes a house a home is the people in it. the love created/re-created there. the laughter inside it. the arguments that ultimately pull humans closer together as they navigate how to best communicate with each other.
I didn't have a home for a long time. I traveled state to state, looking for solace and "home" within myself and within other humans. houses always felt empty. I didn't have a safe home when I grew up, which flowed into my adult hood as it was hard for me to feel safe anywhere.
it felt like empty houses, and not homes. even though they weren't "empty". I have a home now, where love, laughter, safety, connection, and life is shared. when I stared at this painting for almost an hour when I completed it I saw the sad confused empty houses, many many empty houses, I've lived in.
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