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"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
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"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas
"At The Break Of Day" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Laura Wood | Pier 27 Condos in Toronto. Item composed of canvas

Created and Sold by Laura Wood

Laura Wood

"At The Break Of Day" - Paintings

Featured In Pier 27 Condos, Toronto, Canada

Price from $4,500 to $6,500

Creation: 8-12 weeks


Woman Owned

Made To Order

Locally Sourced

I created this series of landscape paintings for a stunning penthouse residence in Pier 27, overlooking Lake Ontario. A forest in the sky.

oil on canvas
48" x 84"
48" x 48"
48" x 48"

Pricing varies upon size. Commissions available upon request.

Item "At The Break Of Day"
Created by Laura Wood
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Laura Wood
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
There is something so meditative about the act of painting. ‎ ‎The simple gesture. ‎ ‎The physicality and repetition. ‎ ‎Mark making after mark making. ‎ ‎Soft blendings. ‎ ‎The viscosity and smell of the oil paint. ‎ ‎It activates something in me. ‎ ‎Shutting out the noise of the day. ‎ ‎Painting is a necessary part of my life.

I am a artist living in Toronto.

My work is an investigation into image and perception, touching on the ambiguity of texts - photographic, painterly or mnemonic, creating an encounter open to interpretation. I use glazing techniques, creating layers which capture a rich glow of light and a depth of colour. I am constantly drawn to light and strive to always be living in it.

My work has been exhibited across Canada and the United States and is included in many International collections. It has also lead me to work as an art consultant for over 15 years at a distinguished art consultancy firm as the art director.  I led and contributed to numerous high-profile projects, such as:  St. Regis Museum Hotel San Francisco;  Four Seasons Hotels in Toronto, NY, Boston;  W Hotel Tai Pei;  St. Regis Hotel Resort Bal Harbour;  and Printemps Department Store Paris.