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A walk in the Park | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Leticia Demeuse. Item composed of canvas
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A walk in the Park | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Leticia Demeuse. Item composed of canvas
A walk in the Park | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Leticia Demeuse. Item composed of canvas

Created and Sold by Leticia Demeuse

Leticia Demeuse

A walk in the Park - Paintings

Price $4,800

73H x 48W in
185.42H x 121.92W cm

48 x 73

Item A walk in the Park
Created by Leticia Demeuse
As seen in Creator's Studio, Carlsbad, CA
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Leticia Demeuse
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.” Andy Warhol

Hi! I’m Leticia Demeuse…

I’m on a mission to bring joy, positive energy and balance into my life and yours with artwork that is born out of my deepest love and reverence for life.

Art has the power to transform the vibrational energy of the space it inhabits. My hope is that my paintings elevate your day-to-day experience allowing you to get more zest out of life.

Thank You for being here! For a more behind the scene look, follow along with me on Instagram