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A Day in a Life | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by June Yokell | Artist Studio - June Yokell in San Francisco. Item made of canvas with synthetic
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Created and Sold by June Yokell

June Yokell

A Day in a Life - Paintings

Featured In Artist Studio - June Yokell, San Francisco, CA

$ On Inquiry

A day in a life, 36" x 48," oil on canvas, c2019.

Item A Day in a Life
Created by June Yokell
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June Yokell
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2017
"For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawn to the beauty in everyday life, primarily by looking at the natural world. Simple things, things I notice while walking or looking out a window or seeing a pattern in shadows. While it is not exactly a dream or a memory, it’s like entering another world that is right here with us always, carrying with it its sensuality and raw emotion. I’m drawn to painters and writers who describe the physical as well as their psychological response to the land, those who each in his or her way describe the physical or psychological climate of place. I start my paintings by a gesture and try to keep the whole painting fresh from the beginning when I lay down the large planes right through to the layering of the many marks of oil paint that indicate plants or water or cracks in the hill. My goal is to transfer to the viewer, my own non-verbal felt experiences."