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Rust Designs

New York, NY

It started when I first tried to sell a mud pie. I wondered why adults ate pies
made of mud, but adults were weird and if that’s what they like then I was
going to make it and sell it. Since then I’ve gotten myself a design education
at Parsons in NY, where I learned that adults are still weird and a bunch of
other stuff about design. I’ve traveled around the globe designing for some big
wigs and some little wigs too. I’ve designed a bunch of stuff with birds before
Portlandia pointed it out. I’ve designed stuff that I love and some not so much.

In the end my love for playing around in the mud never completely went away
as I’ve spent the good part of my adult life playing in fancy porcelain mud, and
I’m back to making stuff with my hands. Everything in my line is made one at
time, slowly like it’s been done for centuries. Nothing is perfect because no
one is perfect and that’s how I like it.

Kisses, as they say in France, but in French.



Woman Owned


Made In USA

Made To Order

Natural Materials

Wescover creator since 2019
Projects Portfolio
Residential Project
Los Angeles, CA

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