"My work is inspired by my meditation practice, intuition, the magic and intricacy of nature, sacred geometry and the healing power of the ocean."
Maureen Walsh is an international visionary artist specializing in large scale publicmurals, mixed media installations and textiles made with natural dyes. She currentlyresides on the North Shore of Oahu.She has been working professionally since graduating from the Savannah College ofArt and Design in 2005. From 2007-2015 she co-ran a design studio in Brooklyn, NYcreating large scale installations for events and interiors. When she left NYC shetraveled around the world and studied with many different master artists andhealers. In 2018, Maureen lived for a year at an ashram in India as the resident artistwhere she created murals that enhanced the beauty of the space and helped theyoga students drop deeper into their practices and meditations. Over the last fouryears she has created ten large scale murals as well as a mixed media installationfor Cleveland State University through the Ohio Percent for the Arts Program.All of her travels and cultural experiences are infused into her work. She is a certifiedyoga and meditation teacher as well as a cranio sacral therapist and she uses thesemodalities to infuse her work with creativity, healing and love.She’s inspired by the magic and intricacy of nature, plant medicine, intuition, sacredgeometry, meditation and the healing power of the ocean. She has witnessed firsthand how powerful the connection between healing and art can be and she loves toshare it with the world.